Have you been experiencing chronic gut symptoms & can’t figure out what triggers them?

Have you been to your doctor several times and yet still don’t have answers or feel better?

Are your gut symptoms impacting your quality of life, relationships & mood?

Have you become fearful of food? Or are you eating a restricted diet just to manage symptoms?

Are you using medication (laxative or reflux medication etc) without any end in sight or unpleasant side effects?

If any of this is resonating with you, then you've come to the right place!

Unfortunately, when it comes to chronic gut symptoms, this is a common experience.

The most likely reason you haven’t gotten the answers or support for your gut symptoms (despite being to your doctor several times) is because you have a functional gut disorder, or more accurately a Disorder of Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI).

While conventional medicine is excellent at diagnosing and treating DISEASE, most doctors receive very little training in diagnosing and treating Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI), aka functional disorders. This is why many patients, such as yourself, are left feeling frustrated and dismissed by the medical system. 

Getting the right kind of treatment for a Disorder of Gut Brain Interaction (eg. IBS, functional dyspepsia, functional diarrhea, functional constipation, etc) requires nuanced and a personalized approach that targets various levels of the gut-brain-microbiota pathway. 

Learn more about Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction here. 

Do you have IBS? Or think you have IBS, learn more about the IBS Relief Roadmap below.  

Or download the Is It IBS CheatSheet


*Keep in mind these lists are not exhaustive & you should always consult with your own healthcare provider before diagnosing & treating any symptoms

Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea is considered to be loose or watery stools that lasts beyond 4 weeks. It can be defined as increased frequency and/or decreased form of stool. A type 6 or 7 on the Bristol Stool Chart is considered diarrhea. In terms of frequency, if you are passing more than 3 bowel movements in a day, this would also be considered diarrhea.

Alarm features such as blood in stool, weight loss, worsening pain, and diarrhea during sleeping hours suggests a more serious underlying cause and should be investigated right away.

However, once these have been ruled out some of the common causes for chronic diarrhea include IBS & functional diarrhea (both of which are Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction), IBD, celiac disease, a food intolerance (eg. lactose intolerance), SIBO, chronic infections (eg. H pylori, Giardiasis), pancreatic insufficiency, bile acid malabsorption, the side effect from a medication, thyroid disorder, etc.

Chronic Constipation

Traditionally, chronic constipation is defined as having 3 or fewer bowel movements per week for longer than 3 months. However, from a functional perspective suffering from any of the following may indicate that you have constipation:

- Fewer than 1 bowel movement/day

- A feeling of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement

- Lumpy/pebbly or hard to pass stool (typically defined as type 1 or 2 on the Bristol Stool Chart)

- Reliance on laxatives to have a bowel movement

- Straining and/or pain with evacuation

There many things that can cause constipation, however it is important to be aware of certain red flag symptoms that warrant a more urgent workup from a primary care provider, which includes:

- new onset of constipation over the age of 50

- symptoms that wake you up at night

- unexplained anemia

- blood in your stool

- significant unintentional weight loss

- a palpable masses in the abdomen and/or rectum

- a sudden change in your bowel habits regardless of age

- family history positive for colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease

In most cases of chronic constipation, the cause is benign (although this doesn’t mean it isn’t having a significant negative impact on your quality of life!) and includes things such as IBS-C & functional constipation (both of which are Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction), pelvic floor dysfunction, a diet low in fibre or insufficient caloric intake, the effects of chronic stress, endocrine abnormalities (such as hypothyroidism), celiac disease, the side effect of certain medications/supplements (eg. iron, anti-depressants, pain killers/opioids, NSAID’s, antacids), etc.

Chronic Bloating

Chronic bloating can be either physical distention (where you tummy physically distend outward) or the having the sensation of bloating/discomfort. The latter is usually due to something called visceral hypersensitivity, which is where the “volume” on the pain receptors in the gut are turned up, causing your brain to pick up on small/normal changes in gas & motility. This is very common in those who have Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction such as IBS.

There are a very large number of things that can cause chronic bloating both inside & outside the gut, so it’s important that you have this assessed by a primary care provider. However, when it comes to the gut, here are a few common causes: IBS (both IBS-C & IBS-D), functional bloating , food intolerances, SIBO, celiac disease, poor eating habits, chronic stress, under-eating & eating disorders, aerophagia, abdomino-phrenic dyssynergia (also part of DGBI’s), excessive consumption of gas-forming foods, etc

Chronic Smelly Gas

While it is normal to produce some gas, especially after eating high fibre foods, if this gas feels excessive and/or is really smelly this could indicate a problem. Some common causes include eating too quickly, enzyme deficiencies (eg. lactose intolerance), bacterial imbalances in your gut, chronic stress, aerophagia, celiac disease, malabsorption syndromes, etc.

Alarm features such as blood in stool, weight loss, worsening pain, and diarrhea during sleeping hours suggests a more serious underlying cause and should be investigated right away.

However, once these have been ruled out some of the common causes for chronic diarrhea include IBS & functional diarrhea (both of which are Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction), IBD, celiac disease, a food intolerance (eg. lactose intolerance), SIBO, chronic infections (eg. H pylori, Giardiasis), pancreatic insufficiency, bile acid malabsorption, the side effect from a medication, thyroid disorder, etc.

Chronic Abdominal Pain

Pain is subjective, which is part of what makes it difficult to quantify & define. Some of the common descriptors for abdominal pain include “sharp”, “stabbing”, “dull”, “cramping” and “aching”. Bloating can also cause pain. Chronic abdominal pain is that which has been occurring for longer than 3 months.

The location of pain is also important, as it can help to pinpoint what part of the gut is involved. Pain in the throat or mid sternum can be coming from the esophagus and/or stomach. Pain in the epigastric region is typically the stomach. Pain in the soft part of your belly can be either the small or large intestine. However, keep in mind 2 VERY important points:

1. There are many organs/tissues/muscles in close proximity to the gut, making it important to work with a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine the source.

2. Pain can be referred, meaning something farther away can cause pain in the area you are experiencing it.

Here are some common causes of chronic abdominal pain: GERD, functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis or ulcer disease, IBS, functional constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, abdominal pain syndrome, cealiac, etc.

Alarm features such as blood in stool, weight loss, worsening pain, and diarrhea during sleeping hours suggests a more serious underlying cause and should be investigated right away.

However, once these have been ruled out some of the common causes for chronic diarrhea include IBS & functional diarrhea (both of which are Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction), IBD, celiac disease, a food intolerance (eg. lactose intolerance), SIBO, chronic infections (eg. H pylori, Giardiasis), pancreatic insufficiency, bile acid malabsorption, the side effect from a medication, thyroid disorder, etc.

Chronic Heartburn

Heartburn is the sensation of burning/discomfort in the throat or chest region. Heartburn is caused by reflux of acid & sometimes other stomach contents into the throat, which is why it’s often accompanied by regurgitation.

The most common cause of chronic heartburn is GERD (a form of erosive esophagitis). However, there are many other gut-related conditions that can mimic this including functional heartburn, reflux hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer disease, pill esophagitis, eosinophilic esophagitis, as well as other conditions non-gut conditions.

In chronic heartburn it is important that you get a proper assessment including endoscopy if you are not responding to conventional treatments (PPI therapy, diet modification, weight loss, etc).

Alarm features such as blood in stool, weight loss, worsening pain, and diarrhea during sleeping hours suggests a more serious underlying cause and should be investigated right away.

However, once these have been ruled out some of the common causes for chronic diarrhea include IBS & functional diarrhea (both of which are Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction), IBD, celiac disease, a food intolerance (eg. lactose intolerance), SIBO, chronic infections (eg. H pylori, Giardiasis), pancreatic insufficiency, bile acid malabsorption, the side effect from a medication, thyroid disorder, etc.

Multiple Food "Sensitivities"

Having reactions to a large number of foods is a sign that something isn’t working properly in the gut. Symptoms can occur immediately or up to a day after consuming a certain “trigger” food. Gut-related symptoms can include bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain & excessive belching.

Common causes for this include IBS, functional constipation, carbohydrate intolerances (eg. lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance), celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, SIBO & chronic stress.

While avoiding foods that cause you discomfort is helpful short-term plan, it is important to work with a qualified health professional to help you identify & treat (if possible) the underlying cause. Long-term restrictive diets can cause a lot of harm to your gut microbiota, your nutritional status, your mental health (leading to disordered eating & eating disorders) & other aspects of your well-being (eg. your social life).

If any of these symptoms have been plaguing you and you haven’t been able to find answers through your conventional doctor, then you’ve come to the right place!

Dr. Lovink has extensive education & experience in working with a variety of chronic gut health conditions including IBS bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, abdominal cramping/pain & many other digestive problems that fall under the umbrella of Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction.

Start Your Journey to Better Gut Health Now!

Gut Health Foundations Guide

Feeling confused about where to start with your gut health? This guide discusses the building blocks of optimal gut health. 

Book a Discovery Call with Dr. Lovink

(BC Residents Only)

Struggling with chronic gut symptoms and want a personalized, evidence-based assessment and plan? 

The IBS Relief Roadmap

Do you have or think you have IBS?
Learn about Dr. Lovink's evidence-based program tailored to those with IBS. BC Residents only. 

Is It IBS CheatSheet

Not sure if you have IBS? Download the IBS CheatSheet so you can understand how to get diagnosed & advocate for yourself. 

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