Evidence-based diagnosis & treatments tailored to you.

Have you been struggling with chronic gut symptoms and want to figure out what might going on?

Gut-Focused Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Lovink is an evidence-based Naturopathic Doctor who is deeply attuned to the needs of those navigating chronic gut health challenges. Whether given a formal diagnosis (such as IBS) or experiencing symptoms such as chronic bloating, diarrhea, constipation & reflux without a formal diagnosis, she offers guidance rooted in evidence-based guidelines.

With a compassionate approach tailored to each person’s unique health, Dr. Lovink empowers clients to reclaim control over their gut health again. Her treatments include a blend of dietary modification, lifestyle changes, stress management tools, gut-brain therapies, medication & targeted supplementation. These items make up each person’s unique Roadmap to lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Dr. Lovink has a clinical focus & program tailored to those who have IBS. Learn more about the IBS Relief Roadmap program


Have you been struggling with ongoing IBS symptoms (or perhaps you aren’t sure but have chronic abdominal pain with chronic diarrhea &/or constipation) and feel frustrated & confused by your experience with conventional medicine up to this point?

Dr. Lovink’s IBS Relief Roadmap is her signature care program that helps patients learn about their diagnosis, get clear on triggers and find the relief they are looking for so they can get back to living their life again! Sound good?

Learn more by checking out the link below.

The Gut Health Foundations Guide

Gut feeling off? Struggling with chronic digestive symptoms that you can’t seem to figure out? The Gut Health Foundations Guide is your starting point to feeling better. It discusses some of the foundational pieces that when addressed improve how the gut functions. The guide also discusses some of the most common dietary triggers, which can help inform you about what could be causing your symptoms.


There is no one-size-fits-all for optimal gut health. Your gut is a unique ecosystem that requires a unique solution.

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